Monday, October 20, 2008

Cool nights warm days

Fall is sure in the air here. The nights have been cool to down right cold, 35 this morning. The day's have been warm and clear. Quite nice really.

The weekends have been busy with the campground about 90% full. Then during the week it is mostly empty. Tonight there are 5 of the 46 sites occupied. One camper arrived about 2030.

We have gotten in some kayaking and a couple of trips back to Culpeper. One day we got to do some shooting with Lindsay as well as have a good lunch at Five Guys. We have also eaten out a few nights, usually after a hard Sunday's work.

You can see some pictures here.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Look at all the trees

So said a little boy from the city. We had a full campground again this weekend. There was a school group from the DC area here. Fourteen sites of Chinese Americans tent camping. What a time. That put a strain on the shower house as well as us. We had to remind them that you shouldn't try an burn a 6 to 8 foot log with out cutting it to fit in the fire ring. No don't do dishes at the water hydrants.

The water and electric sites were also full. We were just plain busy keeping up with the cleaning. No real issues. Of course you don't here the noise complaints until the offenders have left. Oh well.

Tuesday and Wednesday will be our day's off and we are not sure what the weekend will bring.

The trees are turning and the days are shorter. Fall is here.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Hobie Mirage

Last Tuesday Suzette and I went Kayaking with Mel and his friends. They all have Hobie Mirage kayaks. I had wanted to try one since I first saw one at a dealer in Vermont last year. Mel gave me my chance. Wow what fun, and I was using an 10 or 15 year old model. That Mirage hydro drive really works. You can see pictures here. The wind on Lake Anna was quite stiff and I was able to get the kayak to surf on the waves.

Suzette was using her Manatee kayak and was having a hard time keeping up. She said she felt like a pickup truck in a bunch of Porsche's. We had a good time and were invited back this week.

Thanks Mel.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Lake Anna State Park

Well here we are getting back in the old camp host grove. We will be here until the end of October. Pretty much the same drill, welcome folks, keep the comfort stations clean, pick up campsites when folks check out, talk to our campers.

So far the excitement has been a couple of groups that figured on PARTY. At least one received a ticket for drinking in public. One group had their beer confiscated. No major issues in the first week.

We did have a nice visit from Steve and Karen, a couple of Arctic Fox owners, we had "met" on the internet.

This first weekend the campground was full and there was a double and triple triathlon being held. This event drew folks from all over the world. We met folks from France and England that participated.

High fuel prices don't seem to be keeping folks at home since we have had folks from all over staying at the camp ground this weekend.

When something of interest happens these next 3 weeks we will post. Other than that we are here at Lake Anna SP in Virginia. Drop in for a visit if you are in the area.

Getting out of the house

After Maine we headed to West Thompson Lake, Connecticut, Corp. of Engineers park to spend a couple of days and do some paddling. We didn't paddle. There was this little thing called Hanna that brought bad weather. We just got a lot of rain and there was some local flooding that did not affect us. We went looking for fuel to make the trip from Connecticut to PA but the price was at least $.50 higher than Mass. So we drove the 12 or so miles to MA to fill up.

After we left West Thompson Lake we made our next stop at Promise Land State Park in PA. for an over night. The next day we made the last leg home.

Once home it was time to start moving on getting things out of the house. We decided to make a trip to VT to take the other 2 motorcycles and a bunch of tools up to a storage facility there. So we spend a couple of days getting things loaded up and made the 12 hour trip to VT.

We got things unloaded the day after we arrived and headed out to the lot we are buying. We staked out a location for the house. The weather was miserable. We took care of some other errands before heading back to Steins for the night.

The next day we met with our builder and discussed plans and suggested some changes. Then off to Morrisville to Taylors Color World to pick our our flooring. We visited with Jerry and Donna before picking up the Goldwing and trailer to take to storage with the other motorcycles.

The next day we headed home to start empting out the house.

We spend the next several days packing, working around the home inspection, survey, moving sale, repairs that the home inspection turned up. Lindsay was a great help in taking things to the storage unit. Some how we got it all done. We lived in the camper in the drive way for about 5 days before we headed to Lake Anna for our camp host duties.