Thursday, October 08, 2009

Kinda like Christmas

Yesterday I noticed that the well was not producing very much water and the pressure was 0 when a faucet was opened. I told our builder this morning and they checked the static level in the well and found that we had about 330' water column. They called the well drilling company and they sent a technician. He arrived about the same time the interior doors and molding arrived. While the supplies were being unloaded the well was being checked to insure the power was proper and that the pressure switch was working properly. It was determined that the well pump was defective. So 300' or so feet of well pump pipe was pulled. The tech checked and found that the pump was attempting to run on the start winding. So it was a warranty replacement.

While the well was being addressed Casey and crew were working on the deck. A little before noon Total Home arrived with our appliances. They were unloaded into our garage and checked for shipping damage. All good.

Tim was putting the final touches on the drywall taping and will be back tomorrow to do the sanding.

Click here for pictures.

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