Friday, May 30, 2014

Custer State Park

With a picnic lunch packed we took a drive to Custer State Park where we purchased our 7 day entry pass. After a visit to the visitors center we headed off on the wildlife loop road. First thing we saw were a few Pronghorn Sheep.
We saw a few more before we stopped at a ranger station. The ranger suggested we take a loop on the unpaved roads, jackpot. Lots of Buffalo,  Prairie Dogs, more Pronghorn ...

Oh yes there are Donkeys there too.

Then we headed for Needles highway. More twists and turns and scenery.

We could see clouds building and expected late day rain.


Steve and Karen said...

We were in that area last June and loved Custer State Park. That looks like the "posing" donkeys that are always out there for the tourists. LOL

Larry said...

Oh Yeah, they were out in force. One seemed to have his head in a car as we approached. Folks arrived with large bunches of carrots.

One pair seemed intent on increasing the population.