Monday, August 17, 2009

Reflections on Belle Isle

I've been slacking for a couple of months now so it is time to get things up to date.

We had spent nearly 2 months at Belle Isle State Park in Virginia working as camp hosts. This assignment was a quite a bit different from what we had done at Lake Anna and Smith Mountain Lake state parks. At Belle Isle the main task was to man the camp store on Thursday afternoons and all day Saturday and Sunday. We had limited responsibilities in the campground. We divided the work so that Suzette handled the campground and I manned the store. Since it was early season most of the time in the store was major boring. Since much of the store work involved web applications, Reserve America and VA Fish and Game, there was a large frustration factor with the internet. They used Hughes Net with a repeater from the Visitors Center to the Camp Store. Even though there was clear line of sight the internet connection was frequently dropped. Major frustration.

We did get in some kayaking and did get to see some baby eagles. We did not get to see them fledge but they were fun to watch.

We also made a side trip to Tangier Island which was quite interesting.

There are photos on our web album. Look for the one labeled BelleIsle.

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