Monday, August 24, 2009

An update

Saturday we went to Mo'ville to see Henry, aka Jerry, at the store and wish him a happy B'day. We then decided to go to Green River to check out the boat launch and just get the lay of the land. While we were there watching some kayaker's return from their day's paddle we got a "hi what are you doing here?" from Sherry our Hairdresser. She was camping with family near by. After a short visit with Sherry and her cousins we headed for home.

That night was a Taco dinner at the resort and also a Halloween costume contest. We won the Adult title dressed as tourists looking for our cruise ship. Oh, we were the only adults, other than staff, that were dressed up.

Sunday was just a down day but we did get the laundry done and the dog washed.

Today was shopping and back to watch more of the build. The stone was placed in the cellar hole to get ready for the insulation, radiant heating piping and cement on Wed. The power and phone conduit was installed and the septic tanks arrived and they were also installed.

See pix here and watch the stop action movie.


MikeyPDX said...

You didn't remind Sherry that Jimmy and I had recently attended our 20 year HS reunion did you? That would have been cruel...

Larry said...

We did tell her you and Jim had your 20th. Yep she felt old.