Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday Shopping and unShopping

We didn't go to the site today. Instead we went to the storage unit and picked up some lighting fixtures we had bought at Lowe's. They were not qualified fixtures from an Efficiency Vermont viewpoint. Our next stop was for groceries.

We next went to Lowe's and had not problem returning the fixtures. We bought a Porta Cable pancake compressor. I had sold the one we had in Virginia and wanted one so I could use a finish nailer at the house as well as keep the tires on the truck and camper at proper pressure.

When we returned to the camper we ordered several qualified fixtures from the Efficiency Vermont online catalog. We bought 3 ceiling fans, vanity lights and a chandelier for the kitchen.


MikeyPDX said...

Pancake compressor? Look, if your pancakes aren't flat enough already, you're doing it wrong... ;-)

Larry said...

Of course I was doing it wrong. Why else would I have bought a pancake compressor?

Larry said...

Pancakes this morning. I used the compressor and the inflation needle to make the pancakes light and airy. Made a mess in the kitchen. ;-)